Article Review

Review of the article: Prensky, M. (2009). H. Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom.


The article ‘H. Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom’ by Marc Prensky published in Innovate - journal of online education on March 2009, explores in details developing relationship between people and digital technology. The article introduces the term “digital wisdom” as a crucial skill in the modern digital environment and mentions how is this related to the concepts of “digital immigrants” and “digital natives”.

He highlights the significance of digital wisdom which is ability to fluently use latest technology and gain access to cognitive power beyond our capabilities and employing technology wisely to improve our skills.

The principle of digital wisdom includes not only technical proficiency but also ethical considerations and ability to think critically. According to Prensky, evolution of digital wisdom is vital for linking different age groups and promoting the harmonious coexistence of generations.

Prensky emphasizes the significance of digital literacy and the ability to know how to use online sources, platforms and digital tools. This proficiency makes resources accessible that were unachievable previously.

This article made me think about the relationship between humans and technology and how depended we become on gadgets and tools that we use on a daily basis in all spheres of our life. It is undeniable that technologies become ingrained in every field. As a person who teaches digital natives, I realize that I have to be equipped with necessary knowledge to be competent enough and use the tools that can have a direct impact on my learners’ attitude towards education. Modern learners differ from those who were we decades ago and the principles that we were taught do not work on them. The content these contemporary learners are interested in is absolutely different from what we used to believe (Prensky, 2001). Our responsibility is to be flexible, adapt and modify our approaches and methodologies to help our learners to study and gain the knowledge that is necessary for their future prosperity.



Prensky, M. (2009). H. Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom. Innovate: Journal of Online Education, [online] 5(3). Available from:[Accessed 8 December 2023].

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, [online] 9(5), pp.1-6. Available from:,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf. [Accessed 22 October 2023].



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