
Living in the digital era

In this constantly developing sphere of technology the way people interact with the digital world has become an integral feature of our lives. Nowadays, the more digitally literate you are, the more opportunities you have. New technologies emerging non-stop make almost all areas of our lives better, providing comfort and convenience more than ever before. Progress and innovation completely transformed the way we communicate, work, learn, travel and even entertain ourselves. Born in the early 90’s I belong to Generation Y, also known as Millennials. According to Prensky’s (2001) opinion, individuals like us, who were not born and raised in digital world but later developed an interest in it and continuously apply new technologies in various ways, are categorized as digital immigrants. Belonging to a cohort of digital immigrants, I have witnessed the incredible transformation of technology from my teenage years to its seamless integration into my daily life now. My first encounter with t

Meeting diverse students’ needs for effective teaching and learning.

Each lesson is designed to reach certain learning objectives. However, the needs of students with different abilities, backgrounds, learning styles, and preferences should also be considered. By taking the time to learn our students’ background knowledge, experiences and interests we can better understand their personal needs and adapt our teaching methods to cater to their diversity. One of the most effective ways to match the needs, interests and abilities of almost every student is to create lessons based on a differentiated instruction framework and to propose multiple ways for students to demonstrate their learning (Tomlinson, 2017). Video and PowerPoint Presentations can be effective way to visual and word learners, while auditory learners can benefit from listening tasks. Incorporating games that require movement around the classroom can be like a breath of fresh air for kinesthetic learners. Students who prefer reading and writing to process the information should be provided w

About me and my blog

Welcome to my blog! My name is Elvira, and I am an English teacher.  This blog is designed for teachers as well as students who share a curiosity in teaching and learning  English  interactively. I intent to move beyond traditional teaching methods and approaches to create a more dynamic and innovative learning and teaching process. My goal is to customize activities to address diverse needs and styles of learners, offer a wide range of interaction patters and introduce latest technologies in my lessons. My vision for this blog is to provide a great variety of resources, tips, and ideas that empower both educators and learners to explore English in engaging, effective and enjoyable way. Together, we can encourage a vibrant and interactive English learning community.

Embrace the power of AI with wisdom

AI and Chat GPT have burst into our lives so rapidly and made a crucial impact in various fields including educational sphere. As educators, we constantly searching for innovative tools and technologies to improve our teaching strategies and methods. At the same time, we strive to make the lessons engaging and catchy. AI alongside with Chat GPT are providing valuable resources, offering a range of benefits enabling our jobs as teachers easier and more effective. I have been using AI and Chat GPT for my studies and teaching practice for about half a year. At first, I searched for explanations for challenging terms and concepts. However, as I began to use AI-based tools to create activities for my lessons, I was surprised by the invaluable resources I had discovered. I regularly use the website where I can create a variety of activities and exercises targeting the necessary skills. In addition, while preparing to my IELTS exam, I used Chat GPT to check my essays and get

Think Out of the Box

In today’s hectic educational environment, primary school students are spending longer than before inside their classrooms (Sager, 2022). On average, it can be 6 hours of dedication a day to sitting at their desks absorbing knowledge from their teachers. While education is undoubtedly crucial, this prolonged period of sedentary activity can have significant consequences on a child's concentration, engagement, and overall learning experience (Kuzik, N., da Costa, B.G.G., Hwang, Y., et al., 2022). I am convinced that the teachers of new era should promote more active and dynamic learning atmosphere and go beyond the traditional teaching and learning methods. With the aim to diversify the learning process and mix work with pleasure I decided to relocate the lesson to the yard of the school where learners can sit on the benches, take off their shoes if want and learn in a relaxed manner. This experiment was conducted with two groups of students: second and third graders. The outcomes